How to Tell If Your Ex Has Feelings For You - Your Ex Won"t Be Giving You Mixed Signals After This!
Here is how you can tell if your ex still likes you..
Ask your ex for a favor- If your ex really cares about you, he/she would be very concerned to find out that you have a problem or need help somewhere.
If you notice your ex asking you a lot of questions about your personal life, or trying to make an effort to ensure that he/she can help you wherever you need, then your ex still likes you.
Flirt with one of your ex's friends- This is a simple way to find out instantly how your ex feels about you, because if he/she becomes jealous, you instantly know that your ex still likes you.
So how do you tell if your ex is jealous? Well, some common signs would be if he/she got angry, very possessive, etc...
all of a sudden.
Talk to your ex- If you notice that he/she always brings up the past and reminisces about the time you two shared together, etc then obviously your ex is not over you.
As well, if you notice that your ex is always asking you about your dating life, personal life ...
etc it means that your ex likely feels threatened that you are going to find someone else, because he/she wants you back.
You can also watch for signs that your ex likes you still, simply by watching his/her body language when you talk in person.
If your ex would easily look you in the eyes, hold your hand, hug you etc...
then your ex still has a strong physical connection to you.