Add More Memory to Your Computer for Better Performance
Before purchasing any RAM, you need to ensure how much memory is there on your computer. If you are using Windows XP, go to the Start menu, and click Settings, then click Control Panel. Go to System and then select the General tab. The amount of RAM will be displayed at the bottom of the page.
What amount of RAM is satisfactory? Well, it entirely depends on the program or the application you are running. For operating systems like Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP, there is minimum recommended amount. But it is suggested to have more than the recommended amount. It ensures better performance. For Windows XP operating system 256MB RAM is enough while for Vista at least 512MB and for Windows 7 minimum 1 GB RAM is required.
What kinds of tasks you are performing on your computer is also another important factor. For surfing the Internet and writing letters, having 512 MB RAM is more than enough. On the contrary, for games or photo editing more than 1GB RAM is recommended. Now a days, almost all the games specify the minimum amount of RAM for installing them and play. For instance, if you want to play Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Azkaban, there must be 256 MB RAM.
You have decided to include more RAM for better performance. You can obviously go to the market and buy a RAM. But do you know, what kind of RAM your computer is compatible with? There are various types of RAM like RDRAM, DDR SDRAM and SDRAM. Check what kind of RAM your computer requires and buy accordingly. Now, DDR3 RAM is available in the market which allows the PC user to enjoy fast computing experience. But all motherboards don't support DDR3 RAM. Go through your motherboard manual and check whether it is compatible with these types of RAM or not.
If you can't find it, talk to a remote computer support service provider. There are many such service providers who offer tech support to the PC users to add more memory to computer. You can consult any of them and get their support. Services of these companies are reasonably priced and it is available 24/7.