The Latest Paranormal News
Arkansas city clock has ghostly history
It was three minutes before noon on a frigid December day when the 108-year-old bell atop the old Desha County Courthouse rang once. It was supposed to ring 12 times — and three minutes later. “Y’all witnessed it,” Desha County Judge Mark McElroy told a reporter and photographer. “Y’all done made him mad, and you’re going to leave me with him.” McElroy was referring to the ghost — courthouse staff members call him “Willard” — that residents of this remote Desha County seat in southeast Arkansas say has haunted the courthouse and its E.
Howard clock for more than 100 years...
Those whom we love deeply are part of us forever
Allen L Roland: Whether animal or human, those who we love deeply are part of us forever for a Unified Field of love and soul consciousness lies deepest within all living matter and animals, as such, are reservoirs of this love and very capable of sharing it with humans. The basic underlying and uniting force of the Universe is a psychic energy field of Love and soul consciousness ( The Unified Field ) which lies not only beyond time and space but ALSO beneath our deepest fears...
Fringe science: testing telepathy
A look at thought-transference in the first installment of a multi-part series that investigates the stranger side of science...
Foiled again: aluminum and UFOs
Richelle Hawks: In over 30 years of reading, contemplating, and now, writing about UFOs, the quote that struck me as the most apt and intriguing, is maybe not surprisingly, from J. Allen Hynek. In The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry he writes, "The part we ignore…may contain the clue to the whole subject." This has stuck with me more than any other sentiment, and I believe may ultimately prove to be one of the truest things ever said about the UFO mystery.
Aluminum is also a common element in UFO narratives...
Alien Wars show plagued by ghost
The quaking cast of Glasgow’s tough Alien Wars show are being spooked — by the ghost of a little girl. The popular sci-fi attaction’s petrified performers have been scared stiff by repeated sightings of the tiny phantom...while THEY are trying to scare paying punters. Last night creator Gary Gillies said: “My guys can’t do their jobs because they’re being distracted by this ghost. A wee girl wearing old-fashioned clothes has appeared during the show. “She sees the alien and then starts screaming blue murder before disappearing into thin air again.”..
Will its ghosts bring more notoriety to Safety Harbor?
Is City Hall haunted? Could it be a portal to the Other Side? Some say that when the city manager, finance director and receptionist go home for the evening, ghosts come out. In mid December, members of Fenton Productions, a local filmmaking company, successfully photographed several orbs near the green leather chairs where city commissioners sit, but alas, no apparitions showed up to have their portraits made...
Woman said she captured ghostly images at downtown cemetery
Ghost tour participant Lisa Taylor said she believes the water pipe that burst before Christmas Eve at a downtown church may have caused more of a disturbance than just property damage. Ms. Taylor, who grew up in Annapolis, but now resides in Delray Beach, Fla., said that on the night of Dec. 26 she captured ghostly images while the ghost pub-crawl tour group stood among the tombstones that surround St. Anne's Church, the historic landmark on Church Circle...
A 17th Century Ghost Story
Hack your brain
How to hallucinate with ping-pong balls and a radio. Do you ever want to change the way you see the world? Wouldn't it be fun to hallucinate on your lunch break? Although we typically associate such phenomena with powerful drugs like LSD or mescaline, it's easy to fling open the doors of perception without them: All it takes is a basic understanding of how the mind works...