Using a Dandruff Home Remedy to Get Rid of That Flaky Scalp
If you are suffering from dandruff, there is no need to run out and buy some expensive shampoo to solve the problem.
You will be amazed at how many things you have in your home already that will be just as if not more effective than a dandruff shampoo.
Use a dandruff home remedy so you don't have to go through the embarrassment of having your scalp all over your shoulders.
Before you can cure something, you need to know what it actually is.
Dandruff itself is the actual shedding of skin from your scalp.
If you're wearing dark clothing, you can easily see it as the white flakes will be in plain sight.
If this gets out of control, you can suffer from constant itching and irritation that can lead to more serious case.
The dandruff is caused because your scalp is dry.
The dryness can be caused from a variety of reasons, and this is the main condition the UF to alleviate in order to rid yourself of those nasty flakes.
Before buying shampoo, going to your cupboard and get out the olive oil.
Warm it up in a microwave and then massage it into your scalp for about a half minute.
Leave the oil to soak in for about 15 to 20 minutes and then brush her hair thoroughly with a bristle brush.
When you've done that, wash out your hair with shampoo and rinse thoroughly.
Do this a couple of times a week and it should help cure your dandruff.
Tea tree oil has also been proven to be very effective in naturally treating dandruff.
It is becoming so popular, that many shampoos actually already included as one of their ingredients.
In checking the makeup of your favorite shampoo and realizing that tea tree oil is not an ingredient, you can simply buy some and add about a 5% solution to the shampoo bottle.
You can also apply this directly to your scalp in the same way that you did with the olive oil.
Either way is very effective as a dandruff home remedy.
You will be amazed at how many things you have in your home already that will be just as if not more effective than a dandruff shampoo.
Use a dandruff home remedy so you don't have to go through the embarrassment of having your scalp all over your shoulders.
Before you can cure something, you need to know what it actually is.
Dandruff itself is the actual shedding of skin from your scalp.
If you're wearing dark clothing, you can easily see it as the white flakes will be in plain sight.
If this gets out of control, you can suffer from constant itching and irritation that can lead to more serious case.
The dandruff is caused because your scalp is dry.
The dryness can be caused from a variety of reasons, and this is the main condition the UF to alleviate in order to rid yourself of those nasty flakes.
Before buying shampoo, going to your cupboard and get out the olive oil.
Warm it up in a microwave and then massage it into your scalp for about a half minute.
Leave the oil to soak in for about 15 to 20 minutes and then brush her hair thoroughly with a bristle brush.
When you've done that, wash out your hair with shampoo and rinse thoroughly.
Do this a couple of times a week and it should help cure your dandruff.
Tea tree oil has also been proven to be very effective in naturally treating dandruff.
It is becoming so popular, that many shampoos actually already included as one of their ingredients.
In checking the makeup of your favorite shampoo and realizing that tea tree oil is not an ingredient, you can simply buy some and add about a 5% solution to the shampoo bottle.
You can also apply this directly to your scalp in the same way that you did with the olive oil.
Either way is very effective as a dandruff home remedy.