How to Make a Leather Cord Wrap Around Bracelet
- 1). Wrap the leather cord around the soup can five times. That is the amount of cord you will want to cut with the wire cutters. Pull the leather cord straight and measure it. This is the length of wire you will need. Cut the wire to match. Use the wire cutters to make a sharp point at one end of the wire.
- 2). Poke a hole in the middle of one end face of the leather cord with scissors. Put the pointed metal wire end into this hole. Slowly push the metal cord down the wire. Follow the wire with your fingers on the outside of the cord to prevent the wire from poking through. Every time you push through a new inch of leather, pull the other end gently down the cord. You don't want the leather to get scrunched in one place. Continue this until there is no more leather.
- 3). Cut the sharp pointed end flat with the wire cutters. Carefully put the beads onto the leather cord. You can do this from both ends of the bracelet. Save two beads for the ends. Once all of the beads needed are on, put the end beads on. Slide the end beads up, put a dab of hot glue on the ends, and then push the beads back to the end. The glue will hold them into place at the ends, along with the leather.
- 4). Wrap the bracelet around the can again and bend the wire accordingly. When the bracelet is bent how you want, take it off and wrap it around your wrist. You may adjust it while its on your wrist. You can also loosen it to take it on and off easily.