Church Events for Halloween
- Have church members line up their cars in the church parking lot with trunks open, then have families hand out candy from their trunks, suggests Terry Delaney on the website Halloween trick-or-treaters can go from trunk to trunk, say "Trunk or Treat!" and receive Halloween treats from costumed parishioners. Kids of all ages will get a kick out of this unusual way of receiving Halloween candy.
- Turn the church yard, patio, social hall or gym into a game area. Games such as ring toss, beanbag toss, duck pond and basketball are a blast for kids. Give candy or small Halloween treats as prizes to kids. Set up a face painting station and a bounce house for kids to play in between games. Treats such as popcorn and cotton candy can be handed out to trick-or-treaters. Don't forget to bob for apples.
- Divide kids into age groups and have a costume contest. Give prizes to everyone that participates, with special treats for Most Creative, Scariest, Cutest and Funniest costumes. Take everyone's picture and give them a copy of their photo. Let other churchgoers decide who has the best costume overall, and give the winner a gift bag filled with popcorn balls, spider rings and candy.
- Provide entertainment for kids on Halloween. Set up a stage in the church's basement or social hall and hire a local magician or Christian comedian to get the kids laughing. Alternatively, kids can put on a talent show and showcase their special talent to the rest of the community. Karaoke is a good option, using child appropriate songs, or put on some music for a dance party for kids. Let teenage members of the church act out a play or put on a puppet show for younger children.