How to Win Your Old Love Back - 3 Steps to Heaven
Life feels new and exciting, both of you hopeful that this relationship might be the love of a lifetime.
The initial few weeks, months, or for the lucky ones, years seem to pass in blur, then life seems to get in the way.
Before long things start to fade, at this stage one or both of the lovers may start to ask themselves how to renew that initial vitality and how to win your old love back.
The realization that the relationship is not as perfect as you had hoped comes as reality takes hold, the once perfect liaison starts to turn into little disappointing.
After the initial stage of the relationship passes, the burning flame of passion fades and becomes a dying ember.
Now is the time when a lot of relationships and marriages start to see troubles, it may seem that the 'grass is greener..
' and infidelity or divorce looms onto the horizon.
For those who find this turn of events abhorrent and are not willing to let it go further or for those have let it slip further recently, then they need to seek help.
Seek out relationship advice from people who have gone through similar problems and got that spark back.
Ask the question how to win your old love back, there are just 3 steps to Heaven.
1) Speak to each other The most obvious are usually the simplest things and are often overlooked - Set aside some time each day away from any distractions (not always the easiest of things to do, but essential) to talk about anything 'how was your day?' is usually a good start, do not get too heavy small talk is good.
Once you reopen natural communications and start to feel comfortable again in each others company, then you can start to discuss what went wrong.
2) Take a trip together Start to bond together again, take a road trip, maybe to revisit some places you used to go when love was young, or maybe somewhere you always meant to go but never had the chance.
Being together and going places is a great step towards finding out how to win your old love back.
3) Talk about 'old times' Remembering and talking about the things that you used to talk about when love was fresh, play music, see a movie or read a book together that was important to the young relationship.
Make it seem spontaneous, something that you had just thought of.
Plan things to make them appear to be almost accidental and unstructured, seemingly random events such as stumbling upon a long forgotten restaurant, accidentally discover old memorabilia that will rekindle old memories.
The rest is up to you, the key to finding out how to win your true love back, is to set things in place for the two of you to fall in love again.
As with all emotional upheavals, do not rush things take your time and most of all takes these 3 steps to heaven and win your old love back.