How to Encourage Whistleblowing
- 1). Develop a policy for reporting unethical or illegal practices. Ensure that it includes a means to report violations, such as a mailbox or a hot line. Identify a specific person or a specific chain of command in an effort to provide a clear communication in reporting violations.
- 2). Conduct training for all employees. Training should include teaching all employees how to deal with situations when wrongdoing occurs within a company without having to worry about retaliation. This may be similar to the training regularly used during sexual harassment meetings.
- 3). Request an endorsement from council members, boards, managers, the mayor or other top officials. Make your commitment to honesty and rightfulness a public campaign. Encourage ethical behavior and let all employees know they are held to the highest standards possible, which includes having to disclose certain activities that might have a negative impact on the public image of the company.
- 4). Offer a monetary incentive--employees who report valid complaints toward an unethical act may receive a financial award, thereby lessening a fear of retaliation.
- 5). Investigate any and all claims of unethical conduct in a prompt manner. Report all claims to the board.