Weird Laws in The State of Colorado - Legal Comedy
Looks like car dealerships can only be open six days a week as it is illegal for car dealers to show cars on Sundays. In Denver, you aren't allowed to drive a black car on Sundays. You're a bit out of luck in the alcohol department on Sundays as well, as it is illegal for liquor stores to sell liquor on Sundays and election days. And stranger still, Colorado Springs allows people to carry a holstered six-gun except on election days, Sundays, and holidays.
In Denver, they want to give dogs a fair chance and evading dog catchers. In that city, dog catchers are required to notify dogs of eventual impounding; they do so by posting notices on trees in city parks and along adjacent public roads for three consecutive days. Similar courtesy ostensibly extended to the rats of Denver as it is illegal to mistreat rats in the city.
Pueblo seems a strange and unforgiving town as there is a law on the books making it illegal for dandelions to grow within city limits.
In Sterling, cats cannot run loose unless they have been fit with a taillight of some sort. No word on if this has to be a mere reflector or a working brake light with turn signals.
Range weapons have a couple strange laws in Colorado. In Alamosa, you are not allowed to throw missiles at cars. In Aspen, you can fire at building using a catapult.
In Louisville, people are allowed to own up to three turkeys but are not allowed to own any chickens.
And for the daredevils with skiing death wishes, avoid Vail since it's illegal to crash into objects on a ski slope there.
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