Repair Instructions for a Star Bell Rotating Tree Stand
- 1). Remove the rivets that connect the top and bottom portions of the tree stand together then turn the tree stand upside down. Slowly drill out each rivet with a metal drill bit that is smaller in diameter than the rivet. Be careful not to damage the top side of the stand when the drill bit goes through the rivet -- again, drill slowly. Mark one set of rivet holes with a pencil on the inside of the tree stand to aid in lining up the rivet holes during reassembly.
- 2). Separate the top and bottom sections of the stand. Remove the motor and gear box and take them to an electrical supply store. Purchase a 5-amp, AC 60-cycle, 120-volt, 600-watt replacement motor. Make sure that the new motor interfaces with the gear box in the same manner as the original motor.
- 3). Rewire the stand. Use 16-gauge brown electrical wire to rewire the wall plug, the two-way switch that controls the lights and rotation, the side lever that turns the music on and off and the motor.
- 4). Clean the gears and lubricate them with a synthetic lubricant. Reconnect the motor and the gear box and reinstall them in the tree stand. Test to ensure that the rotation mechanism and the rewired switches work properly before putting the top and bottom of the stand back together.
- 5). Turn the stand upside down and line up the top and bottom rivet holes that were marked with a pencil. Insert a nylon crown bolt through each rivet hole, screw a binder head onto each bolt and tighten them. Use a box cutter to cut off the portions of the nylon bolts that extend through the binder heads.