How to Install Maps in Counter-Strike: Source
- 1). Right-click the ZIP map file and decompress the folder's contents.
- 2). Navigate to the "Counter Strike Source" directory on your computer. This will usually be located at "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\(Your Steam Username)\counter-strike source."
- 3). Copy all files with a ".bsp," ".txt" and ".nav" file extension into the "cstrike\maps" folder.
- 4). Copy all files with an ".ain" file extension into the "cstrike\maps\graphs" folder.
- 5). Copy all files with a ".cache" file extension into the "cstrike\maps\soundcache" folder.
- 6). Copy all files with a ".wav" file extension into the "cstrike\sound" folder.
- 7). Copy all files with a ".vtx," ".mdl," ".phy," and ".vvdfile" extension into the "cstrike\models" folder.
- 8). Copy all files with a ".vmt" and ".vtffile" extension into the "cstrike\materials" folder.