Extagen Side Effects Aren"t Worth Worrying About
But, just before the commercial ends, there is either a really fast-talking voice, or a really hard-to-read block of text, that tells you about the side effects.
The marketing gurus at So-and-so Company try and pass these off without you even noticing.
If you are considering taking Extagen as a male enhancement product, rest easy because Extagen has no harmful side effects.
Minor side effects are reported by a small number of users, and these possible side effects are not out of the ordinary, in fact they are common to people who have a hard time taking herbal supplements.
What is Extagen? It's an over-the-counter capsule that is made of all-natural herbs and phyto-nutrients.
When combined, this trademarked mixture increases blood-flow to the penis during sexual arousal.
This leads to bigger, harder, and longer-lasting erections.
Extagen may also induce a higher libido and more sexual stamina.
Results are usually seen in two to five weeks.
Many users see up to a one inch increase in penis-size.
You need only take one Extagen capsule a day, so it won't disrupt your busy lifestyle.
If you're not satisfied for some reason, Extagen comes with a 120-day money-back-guarantee (including the cost of shipping).
Is Extagen safe? Yes it is.
Extagen's manufacturing facility is backed by the FDA.
The product is hypoallergenic, vegetarian-friendly and contains none of the following: wheat, yeast, corn, milk, sugar, salt, starch, animal products, artificial colors or artificial flavors.
Extagen does not require a prescription, but if you have any pre-existing medical conditions (like high blood-pressure or heart disease), or if you are currently taking a prescription medication, you should consult your physician before taking Extagen.
If you're tired of would-be scams and disingenuous marketing campaigns, consider Extagen tablets for male enhancement.
They are the #1 male enhancement tablet in the world, and Extagen side effects are minor if they even occur at all.