How To Prepare For A Kitchen Remodeling Project
Prepare yourself mentally
When major, or even minor construction is taking place in your home, even if it's a simple kitchen remodeling project, you should expect noise, disarray, and inconvenience. Especially if you're picky about the condition of your home, or a 'neat freak', as some call it, you're probably not going to like the fact that your refrigerator, dish washer, stove, and cabinets could be haphazardly placed in random locations throughout your home and property. Additionally, construction isn't quiet -- it's quite loud -- there will likely be saws cutting, sanders running, and nails being pounded relentlessly, for hours on end.
If you have the option, it may be best to have some errands planned for the bulk of your kitchen remodeling project's duration -- just so that you can get away from the noise and chaos, at least for a little while.
Cover everything
If you're not aware of it yet, you will be soon -- construction projects are not clean. Dust will go seemingly everywhere -- into nooks and crannies that you didn't think would be affected by the chaos in the kitchen. If you have something on the same level as your kitchen that you do not want to have injected with dust, it's best to cover it up before the construction crew arrives.
Have a shop-vac handy
While a good kitchen remodeling company will clean up after themselves fairly well, they certainly do not provide spotless cleaning services after-the-fact. You should expect that the remodelers will sweep the kitchen floor, wipe of your countertops, and wipe out the cupboards, depending on what your project consisted of, but they are not going to remove the dust that likely found its way to the most obscure and unlikely corners in your home. Ideally, you should perform a quick surface cleaning to your blinds, curtains, upholstery, and carpeting each day after the remodeling company leaves, but plan for an afternoon of deep cleaning after they complete your kitchen remodeling project.
While having your kitchen remodeled is worth the temporal inconvenience, it's kind of like surgery -- a bit traumatic while it's happening, but it gives you a better result in the end. Fortunately, dressing the wounds, so to speak, from your kitchen remodeling project is relatively painless, and again -- the end result will certainly be worth it.