ADA Compliant Mobile Restrooms for Lesser Rental Prices Especially During Festive Seasons…
I have been supervising a physically handicapped rehabilitation center all my life now. We call them €differently abled' with compassion and zeal. Many of them are extremely skilled in one thing or another and that makes them no less to any other normal functioning person. However, they have their special needs and requirements to foster.
The founder of our rehabilitation center came up with an idea to host an outdoor celebration occasioning Thanksgiving Day in 2013. Since it is a festival celebrated with nationalistic pride and ubiquitous joy, we were all in. The task of arrangements fell on me as I have been the person who understood the handicapped needs quite perfectly than anyone else.
The venue was hired for a whole day and it was a private park in our neighborhood. Since its owner had a daughter who was also physically challenged, he empathetically charged quite less as a rent for the day's event. We considered ourselves lucky. Arranging food wasn't a big deal because there were food caterers everywhere in town.
Where exactly we faced a problem, in fact an incessant one for almost a couple of weeks was renting portable toilets for the event. Since ours was a rehabilitation center with hundreds of physically challenged pupils, our outdoor toileting needs and thus requirements were different from other outdoor events. We needed ADA compliant portable restrooms predominantly. ADA compliant portable toilets were manufactured to meet the €Americans with Disabilities Act€. These units comply with all standard measurements to accommodate a physically challenged person in a restroom without any hassle to use the restroom.
There will be a long rod to hold all along the interior walls of a restroom and the cabin space will be slightly more than a standard portable toilet unit. It is because the extra cabin space can accommodate a handicapped person using a wheelchair without any ordeal.
We had learnt that these units were available in less numbers because of the lower requirement. Since it was the Thanksgiving weekend we planned to host our party as that was the essence in fact, we were highly doubtful to obtain ADA compliant mobile restrooms on rent for our party.
We went on the web and tried searching for direct rental service providers of portable toilets, in fact the ADA compliant mobile toilet units' providers in our town. Majority of the providers already hung €sold out' boards on their sites. We were saved by this one direct rental service provider who was having the required portajohn units in abundance with them. The rental prices were also quite reasonable, owing to the festive season. We hired, the party was a blast and the rest is history.
This year's Thanksgiving is approaching and we are yet again procuring ADA compliant mobile restrooms for the same provider!