How Do I Remove IE Explorer Address Bar?
- 1). Open the Start menu and type "regedit" and then press Enter.
- 2). Expand the registry tree by pressing the "+" symbol next to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE," then "SOFTWARE," then "Policies," then "Microsoft" then "Internet Explorer" then "ToolBars" on the left pane of the window.
- 3). Right-click "ToolBars" and click "New" then "Key." Type "Restrictions" without quotation marks and press "Enter."
- 4). Right-click "Restrictions" and click "New" then "DWORD (32-Bit) Value." Type "NoNavBar" without quotation marks and press "Enter."
- 5). Double-click "NoNavBar" and type "1" without quotation marks as the value. Press "Enter."
- 6). Restart Internet Explorer. The address bar is now disabled.