Anti Sagging Face Cream - Is Yours Really Effective and If Not, Why Not?
I do not want to be alarmist but why do people now know about parabens and fragrances as possible harmful elements to our health? Simply because the work of the consumers' associations has begun to bear fruit. I am thinking here of the work done by the Environmental Working Group and The Compact For Safe Cosmetics . Thanks to them, we now know that the harmful parabens, fragrances, mineral oils, ethanols and other forms of petroleum in skin care products such as an anti sagging face cream are not going to do us any good at all. In the long term, they could be a risk to our health.
That was brought home to me the other day when a friend of mine stated that she knew about parabens. Actually, the parabens which are preservatives have been around for a very long time. Almost a century ago in the 1920s they were included in topical creams to keep them from going mouldy. But we do not necessarily have to use the same old formulas that our grandmothers used. But many cosmaceutical companies still think we should!
So, what must we do to ensure that an anti sagging face cream will be really effective and will be safe as well? The first thing is to look for all natural organic ingredients which are bio available. That means they can get to work deep in our skin and that they really assist with skin cell renewal. After all, we are trying to restore and increase collagen and elastin as these act as a sort of cushion in keeping skin firm and supple. They are also essential elements in helping to stave off wrinkles and dry skin.
We can forget about the hydrolyzed and pure collagen as these are all derived from animal or marine sources and are just not compatible at all with our skin.
But a few companies are using a sort of bio active keratin which is sourced from sheep wool and has been processed in a rather special way do that it can get to work on kick starting the collagen which resides deep in the dermis.
Then we need powerful antioxidants and other organic elements that can fight free radicals and moisturize effectively. I am thinking here of the nano liopbelle HEQ10 which is also very efficient at helping collagen to regenerate.
The moisturizers such as avocado oil, olivem 800 and manuka honey are also totally compatible with our skin so that we can start reversing the signs of aging.
These then are just some of the ingredients that we should be looking for in a cutting edge anti sagging face cream. Why not find out what the other secrets are which many cosmaceutical companies are hiding from you because they are simply too mean to spend the money on decent, safe and effective products. Time to check this one out because that is the only way you can get great results. I need hardly tell you this particular company is a proud signatory of The Compact For Safe Cosmetics .