Fire Sprinkler Systems
The system installed depends on the efficiency, cost, how big the area to be installed is and the property being protected.
For example, it is futile to install a water sprinkler system in a petrol station or a go down storing sacks of sugar.
The types of fire sprinkler systems include; Dry pipe system This system does not use water.
It uses dry air and it can cover a vast area.
It is mostly used in refrigerated coolers.
Air is pumped in the pipes then out.
Wet pipe system This is more popular than the dry pipe system.
This fire sprinkler system uses water.
It is more common in homes and small business premises.
Deluge Fire sprinkler system This system uses open pipes.
Deluge valves open up and allow water to flow into all the sprinklers.
It uses open pipes connected to the water system.
Water flow is constant in all the sprinklers.
Foam water sprinkler system This uses foam and water.
It is commonly used in gas stations and places dealing with highly flammable goods like airports.
This system is more efficient than the wet system.
Pre action system This is a combination of all the above mentioned fire sprinkler systems.
This system is used to protect artefacts or things of great value.
There are single interlock pre action systems that operate like the dry pipe systems.
The double interlock systems operate like the deluge systems.