Gordonsbay Poltergeist
We didn't think much of it at the time, but then other things started to happen.
Lights would be turned on when we wake up in the mornings. We never sleep with lights on. When we went out at night, we would make sure that everything was turned off, lights, the TV. Time and again we would return to find the bathroom light on or the TV turned on. We kind of got used to it and weren't bothered much because we just assumed that there was something in the apartment.
Two years later my boyfriend got a promotion and we moved to a small town in the country. We got ourselves a little two-bedroom home and loved to go for long walks in the field. We got ourselves a cat and dog, for we both love animals. About a month after we moved in, the same things started happening. Only this time the cat and dog would sense something also. The cat would go and sit near a corner of a room and stare into the corner for long times. My dog was always with me on my bed when my boyfriend worked the night shifts.
I would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night only to see my dog sniffing in the air, as if there were someone in the room with us.
He would then suddenly retreat and crawl under the blanket. Lights still turn itself on and off, stuff still disappears to again reappear later on somewhere else. This never happened before my divorce, and my boyfriend said it never happened to him before he met me.
I'm 43 and certainly would not imagine all of this. I would sometimes get a strange smell around me, like a woman's perfume. I don't know who or what it is and I'm not really spooked by it. I'm just curious why and who it might be.
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