How to Choose a Chainsaw Chain
- 1). Check the specs for you bar and saw. This will tell you how many drive links you need as well as the gauge and pitch of the chain.
- 2). Decide which type of chain you need. If you'll be cutting down trees or cutting logs for firewood, buy a standard chain. If you plan on milling lumber and making boards, you need a ripping chain. You also get to decide if you want standard, semi or full-skip chisel.
- 3). Choose the manufacturer for your chain. This isn't as important as getting the right gauge. Oregon is the most common and easiest to find at your local hardware store. It is usually standard equipment on a new saw.
- 4). Shop around and find the chain you want. This is where personal preference comes in. Like most anything, more expensive isn't always better. If you like the way your old chain worked, get the same kind. If not, try a different brand.