How to Get Rid of Moths With Household Items
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Vacuum closets and pantries regularly to avoid attracting insects.Hemera Technologies/ Images
Clean out the pantry or closet and discard items you are no longer using. Vacuum the shelves and flooring. Get rid of cobwebs in the corners or dust along the baseboards with the upholstery attachment for the vacuum. Keeping the space clean is important to getting rid of moths. - 2). Stir 1 tbsp. dishwashing detergent into 1 gallon of hot water in a bucket. Wet a clean cloth in the soap solution and wring it out. Wipe down the walls, shelves and flooring in the space to remove any remaining stains or debris that might attract moths.
- 3). Store items such as clothing in closets or open grain and other food packages in the pantry in sealed plastic storage containers.
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Cloves naturally repel moths and other insects.Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Drop clove oil onto cotton balls to dampen the cotton. Set a few cotton balls in each space where moths were present to repel them with the smell. Add one or two drops to the cotton balls once each week to renew the smell.