Heatmor Model 200 CSS Information
- The Heatmor model 200 CSS accepts a variety of fuel types. The OB model utilizes used oil and wood to power the furnace while the CB version uses corn pellets at 12 to 15 percent moisture, wood pellets and cord wood to provide heat.
- The length of 200 CSS models measure 90 inches. The width of the OB version is 51 inches while the CB model is 75 inches. Both units weigh 1,820 lbs. and have a heating area of 5,000 square feet.
- The Heatmor 200 CSS/OB features a Kagi 250 KP used-oil burner with a capacity of 200,000 BTU/hr. The CSS/CB has a stainless steel agitator, removable burn pot, adjustable air inlet and an auger that feeds fuel at variable speeds.