Short-Cut to a Six Pack: High Definition Liposuction
Liposuction may seem like cheating to real athletes who work hard on their bodies, but the fact is, high definition liposuction isn't really appropriate for individuals who aren't fit already. In order to be a good candidate for this procedure, you already need to have some muscle tone and be close to your ideal body weight. High definition liposuction is different from regular liposuction in that it takes the procedure a step further. For example, male patients who wish to have enhanced abdominal muscles can have abdominal etching done to remove excess layers of fat to reveal the underlying musculature. In order to really highlight those muscles, the plastic surgeon can etch grooves into the overlying skin to help bring out the natural contours of the abdominal muscles and even add a little fat here and there to accentuate volume in the musculature where it is lacking.
Abdominal etching has become more popular over the years as a way for men to finally realize their goal of sexy abs and a slimmer waistline sans the love handles. The procedure is performed in tandem with liposuction which removes any excess fat storage in the abdominal region, redistributing it, as needed, to other areas of the body. After the procedure is complete, patients who are already fit and healthy will be likely to maintain the results over a long period of time. A healthy diet and exercise program is essential for those who wish to keep the sculpted appearance of their six pack over the course of many years.
High definition liposuction and abdominal etching is usually performed in an outpatient facility of a doctor's clinic rather than a hospital setting. Local anesthetic is used to number the targeted area in most cases, which diminishes the risks involved in the procedure. Most high definition lipo procedures take between one and two hours to complete and patients typically return home on the same day as their procedure. Small incisions are made throughout the abdominal area and fat is suctioned out of the body through a small cannula. The fat along the muscle lines is primarily targeted to create a six-pack that is easy to see, complete with tone and definition.