How to Care for a Semi-Dwarf Meyer Lemon Tree
- 1). Layer three inches of stones or broken pottery into the bottom of a 15-gallon pot that has a plug or drain holes.
- 2). Add a peat moss-based planting medium, leaving a hole large enough for the tree's root ball. Plant the tree, barely cover the root ball, leaving the trunk line uncovered so it won't rot.
- 3). Place your tree in a warm area with plenty of sun exposure. Meyer lemon trees must be protected from freezing. Try a sunny patio or porch during spring, summer, and early fall and move the tree indoors to a west- or south-facing window for the winter.
- 4). Transfer pollen from one flower to another with a small paintbrush to pollinate the tree.
- 5). Clean and shine the leaves with a damp sponge.