Buying a New Build? Get a Realtor!
This is mostly due to inaccurate myths and misinformation about real estate.
Let me explain why.
Why do I need a Realtor? I guess the question you need to ask yourself isn't "why do I need a Realtor?" A better question is "why wouldn't I get a Realtor?" Some people believe that if they don't use a Realtor when purchasing new builds that they will receive a price reduction or a "better deal".
This just is not true.
Usually the price of a new build is not negotiable so whether or not you have representation the price will most likely stay the same.
Why do I need Representation? The key word here is representation.
It is always a good idea to have someone working for you that has your best interest at heart when making the biggest investment that you might ever make.
You will have someone working for you to look over the documents to ensure that everything is in order.
Most importantly your realtor can keep up with the process of the purchase to ensure everything is moving along smoothly and that your best interest is being met, not the builders.
How much will it cost me? The best part of having a Realtor is that it's FREE!! It should not cost you the buyer anything.
Most new builds CO-OP to realtors and actually welcome Realtors.
Remember that your Realtor needs to be with you to sign you in the first time visiting new build sites.
If you go without your Realtor on the first visit, the builder will not pay their commission if you decide that you want one.
So, if you are in the market of purchasing a new build home, go out and get representation.
You will have peace of mind knowing that a professional Realtor is looking out for your best interest.
Remember that new build Realtors work for the builder but your Realtor is working for you.
Thank you and good luck with your new home.