Civil War Generals 2 - Grant, Lee, Sherman
1 and Windows 95 PC game.
It remains one of the few and in my opinion the best Civil War games ever made.
A turn based strategy game, you can select to play as the Confederacy or the Union in single battles or campaigns.
From the battle of Gettysburg to the Western and Eastern Theaters, my personal favorite was called The Civil War which spanned the entire Civil War.
Choosing a campaign linked the battles together so your results in one battle had a determinable effect in the next battle.
For instance when the battle ended after the number of max turns expired or the enemy had been completely wiped out, you will be taken to a victory screen where it will tell you Major Victory, Minor Victory, Draw, Minor Defeat and Major Defeat.
The result is based off how many victory points, casualties sustained, supply gained, etc and triggers an alternate battle.
For instance the battle of Bull Run has 5 Alternates depending which option you received with a Major Victory bringing a 128 turn battle and a massive map.
Other alternates include shorter turns and smaller maps, even unit size differences.
After the victory screen came buying new weapons for your troops, seeing your hospitalized generals and seeing experience gained for units who had minimal casualties.
All these different but interlocked conditions make for a complicated but fun strategy war game.
Under advanced options you even have the opportunity to affect line of sight and fog of war meaning some cannons can only fire if they see the target.
Terrain height could deny you a shot from an enemy only a couple hexes away.
Anyway, I could continue on and on about the fun game but there's something even more important to cover.
Originally designed for Windows 3.
1, the game crashes immediately after a battle ends when selecting a campaign if you have not patched the game.
An easy enough solution were it not for the fact the patch is almost non-existent save on a few sites.
When you do install the patch, it is then a matter of running the game and possibly downloading a Wing.
dll file from another site if you receive a sound based error message.
Once these steps have been taken care of all you need to do is go to windows explorer, find the.
exe file and under properties select "Make compatible with Windows 95.
" The game should then work properly.