Best Night Cream For Sensitive Skin Must Have These Key Ingredients To Be Effective
This may sound a little too simple, as most people think that you have to have something special in a product for easily irritated skin.
The truth is that natural moisturizers and emollients are that special something that you need in order to have the best looking, healthiest skin possible.
The main reason that your skin becomes so irritated when using cosmetic products is because of the ingredients that the products contain.
There is a huge number of formulas on the market that are supposedly developed for the treatment of easily irritated skin that contain several different kinds of alcohol, and other irritants in them.
It is little wonder that people are having ongoing problems.
One of the more popular additions to night cream for sensitive skin is petroleum based moisturizers, whether it is mineral oil, paraffin wax, or petrolatum.
Consumers have become convinced of the effectiveness of petroleum based moisturizing compounds due to the non-stop marketing campaigns that support these products.
Let me tell you a little bit about petroleum based moisturizers, and what they really do for your skin.
The truth is that these substances are not moisturizers at all, and what they actually have is a drying effect on the skin.
Petroleum based substances are too molecularly dense to effectively penetrate the skin, so it is impossible for them to provide adequate moisture.
The reason they cause your skin to dry out is because petroleum compounds interfere with the normal production of sebum, which is the skin's natural oil produced by the sebaceous glands.
As they cannot adequately penetrate your skin, petroleum based compounds form a greasy film on the skin's surface.
This film clogs pores, attracts dirt and grime, and will eventually lead to the formation of blackheads and acne breakouts.
A night cream for sensitive skin needs soothing, healing ingredients in it, and not compounds that cause the skin nothing but problems.
I advise a night cream for sensitive skin with active Manuka honey, Shea butter, avocado oil, Babassu wax, and natural vitamin E.
Trust me when I say that by using an all natural product with these ingredients in it, your problems with skin sensitivity will be a thing of the past.