Finally: A Proactive Layer For Your Home Security System

There’s “smart” everything these days, including light bulbs. But the “smart” light bulb you’re probably familiar with is smart only in terms of convenience. It’s a dunce in terms of security.
But now, there finally is a truly intelligent light bulb: BeON Home’s smart lighting system, which is designed to repel home intruders. It’s one thing to detect crime in progress. But it’s a whole new animal when crime is prevented. The BeON Burglar Deterrent deters burglars.
BeON’s product goes in like any ordinary light bulb, but these special bulbs will then actually “learn” your home’s pattern of light usage. So if you then leave the house for a long time, BeON will replicate this pattern. If anyone’s been casing your house and observing your lights-on, lights-off schedule, they will be fooled into thinking you’re home when BeON replays the pattern while you’re out.
But there’s more. We all know about the light above the garage that suddenly goes on when a criminal walks up the driveway. He’ll have to be mighty dense to think that this light was flipped on by the homeowner’s fingers.
However, the BeON interior bulbs will be triggered at the sound of a doorbell (many intruders first ring the bell). The bulbs will flip on lights in a sequential manner, mimicking human-controlled use. This will make the would-be intruder think someone’s home. Even if there’s a power outage, these bulbs will work.
The bulbs include a rechargeable battery and all the fixin’s for top-flight security technology including connection to Bluetooth. The bulbs produce normal-looking light (similar to what a regular 60W bulb would emit).
BeON’s bulbs, though, talk to each other about your light-use behaviors. So if you habitually flip the kitchen light on at 2 a.m. for your middle-of-the-night ice cream splurge, these bulbs will learn this and go on at this time when you’re on your two-week vacation.
In addition to detecting the doorbell ringing, BeON will sense other alarms such as for smoke. Your lights will flare on so that you can escape the fire without having to fumble around for light switches.
The investment (reasonable) for these security light bulbs is well worth it, and shipments will commence April of 2015.
Support BeOn on Kickstarter so they can can continue to develop new security deterrents. I love this!!!!!!!!!!