Why Do People Have Home Businesses?
They are tapping into their creative sides and finding great ways to earn a living while working in the comfort of their own homes.
There are a variety of reasons why people have home businesses.
One significant group consists of stay-at-home moms.
Many of these women have been in the workforce before and chose to spend time raising their children rather than continuing to work.
As the kids get a little older and spend part of their days in school, the mothers are ready to get back to work.
Daycare costs a fortune and they'd prefer to be at home when the children come home from school, so a home business can be the ideal solution.
Since most home businesses have flexible hours, they can work part-time as well as structuring the hours in ways that work best for them and their families.
Other people who start home businesses just don't find it worthwhile to work for someone else anymore.
They're tired of working for inefficient managers who are often younger than them.
Salaries aren't going up and vacation and health benefits are being cut.
The hours are getting longer and the workload is becoming heavier.
Except for a few special companies, the business world seems cold and impersonal.
Job satisfaction is at an all-time low.
Many workers are also sick of commuting.
More people choose to live in the suburbs away from the crime and pollution found so often in cities these days.
In exchange for suburbia they take on a freeway commute.
Traffic is getting out of hand and these trips can take hours each way, making an already long day that much longer.
Gridlock is the norm rather than the exception all too often.
Many home workers find their productivity goes up once they start their home businesses.
Of course this does require a degree of self-discipline.
Once they learn to effectively structure their time, these people enjoy being free from all of the office politics.
Unless a company uses team-based management systems, there is always a hierarchy and often an "us versus them" mentality.
There are also frequent meetings in most corporations that tend more often than not to feel like a complete waste of time.
When we can become our own boss and put all of that time to good use, most of us feel much better about working.
Unless there are greater than normal problems at home, people usually find it much less stressful to work there.
They don't have to worry about saying the right thing around certain people and they don't have to wonder when they are going to be laid off.
They can also dress any way they wish, unless they are going to meet a client or customer.
Most likely the most rewarding thing about having a home business is that people get to choose what they do to earn money.
It's like a breath of fresh air to do something that you truly like and get paid for it as well.