How To Choose An Antique Farmhouse Table
Antique farmhouse tables/trestle tables have basically stayed the same for hundreds of years, growing in height seemingly century by century accommodating the chair. The height of 18th/19th century antique farmhouse tables varies from 28 in to 30 in. Always be cautious and check to see if theres ample room to place your legs underneath the antique farmhouse table, especially if it has a large drawer fitted to the frieze. Wear and tear to the bottom of the legs will also reduce the height.
With kitchen dining increasingly more popular than dining in a dining room the demand for good kitchen tables is high.
The choice of tables is wide and varies from formal round tables to rustic long kitchen tables and includes refectory tables, long kitchen tables, extending tables (including draw leaf tables),antique farmhouse tables, Country Tavern Tables, etc.
Whilst the common perception is that most kitchen tables are pine tables there is in fact a wonderful selection of wooden kitchen tables such as Chestnut, oak Walnut, fruitwood, elm, maple etc.
Just as there is great variety of farmhouse table materials also is there a great variety of origins such French Farmhouse tables, West County farmhouse tables and tables from Normandy, Sweden, England and many other destinations.
The width and length of an antique table may vary tremendously so care is needed here. It all depends on your room space and whether as a maximum you want a large table like a 12 to 14 seater or a smaller one. Extending kitchen tables often provide the answer to those wanting a kitchen table of flexible size.
Each good antique table has its own look and feel so often it is worth a visit to the show room to actually see and feel the table before purchasing. Our showroom holds a wonderfully large collection of tables from which to choose.
Antique Tables Shop in UK supply various antique tables We have wide range of French farmhouse tables such asantique dining tables,antique kitchen tables, antique side tables, antique coffee tables, antique trestle tables, antique occasional tables and antique round tables. We provide antique tables made from different kinds of wood and our list of special antique tables includes antique oak tables, antique mahogany tables, antique oak dining tables, antique chestnut tables, antique fruitwood tables, antique cherry tables, antique elm tables and antique ash tables. We also sell French provincial furniture and French country furniture such as antique chairs, antique chests, antique cupboards, antique dressers, antique desks, antique coffers, antique garden furniture and antique lamps.
In addition we have very fine and unusual stock of antique rice baskets and antique water buckets are great for storage. Chinese Rice Baskets, Wooden Water Buckets, Wooden Powder Measure are included in this category.
We hold excellent stock English country furniture and antique furniture of 17th, 18th and 19th century furniture for sale in our showroom located next to the original workshop.
We sell high quality antique furniture at low prices, thereby attracting trade customers and private customers alike. We also arrange transport and insurance on your purchase, never mind whether your local customer or abroad.
We also provide antique furniture restoration and clock restoration at our antique shop in West Sussex, UK. Our Antique restoration service deals with antique furniture restoration, veneer repair, wood turning, carving, replacement parts service, lock repair and all general repairs. Any necessary restoration is completed by us to a high standard.
Visit us at our antique shop located Petworth, which is the antique centre of the south, and Billingshurst, in the picturesque village of Wisborough Green, West Sussex, England, UK.