How to Install Peel & Stick Vinyl Tile
- 1). Thoroughly mop the existing floor with household floor cleanser, getting up all dirt and grime. Let the floor dry completely.
- 2). Use your chalk snap line to divide the floor in half, from the middle of one edge of the floor (the center of the wall) to the middle of the edge of the floor (the center of the wall) across from it.
- 3). Lay the snap line in the perpendicular direction, between the middles of the two remaining edges of the floor, so the string intersects the first line you snapped. Before you snap the second line, adjust the string with a carpenter's square, so it's exactly perpendicular to the first one. Snap the line. The floor should be divided into four equal squares. The intersection of the two snap lines will be the center of your floor, where you'll start laying tiles.
- 4). Peel the paper off the back of the first vinyl tile. Press it to the floor in one corner of the intersection. Press it firmly to the surface with both hands, then step around the edges of it with all your weight to ensure it's fully down.
- 5). Peel the paper off the next tile. Press one edge of it against the edge of the initial tile, setting them tightly together. Lower the second tile into place and get it firmly set.
- 6). Repeat and continue, building out from the middle to the perimeter of the floor in a grid pattern along the lines. Use a utility knife to cut tiles for the edges of the room, setting them in place with the cut sides facing the walls.