7 Easy-To-Implement LinkedIn Strategies
And feel safe and supported in doing so.
Relationships where they are giving and receiving support, in all its various forms, regardless if they're in the midst of a professional crisis or not.
Nurture your professional network and watch as it blossoms and grows.
These 7 easy-to-implement LinkedIn strategies will help you.
Take things offline.
At the end of your 500+ connections are people - people to develop a more meaningful relationship with offline and in person.
LinkedIn is a tool to help you meet and connect with people.
It hasn't replaced good old fashioned relationship building skills.
In fact in today's new media world, traditional relationship building strategies have a greater value.
Touch base regularly.
Keep your network in the loop with your career and life.
New job, promotion, overseas assignment, family member, professional certification - share it all...
even your first half marathon.
People enjoying work with (and hiring) people they know, like, trust and who can solve their problems, trust.
Let your network have a bigger view of who you are.
Acknowledge their success.
Climbing the corporate ladder or running your own business is not for the faint at heart.
Who doesn't appreciate acknowledgment? Most high contributors and high achievers don't receive enough acknowledgment.
There's a belief that they don't need it.
Acknowledging the successes of those in your network will touch them at a deep level.
They will feel seen.
Say thank youto the endorsements, referrals, connections, feedback, acceptances that you receive.
The same manners that apply in the physical world apply online.
Not only will you be connecting, you'll be doing it with respect.
Personalize your invitations.
You don't blend into the background.
Why should your invitations to connect? Personalized your invitation to that person and the relationship you two share.
Infuse it with your creative, joyful, quirky, unique personality.
They'll love clicking the Accept button.
Ignoring YOU and your invitation won't be an option.
Send unrequested endorsements.
Did you enjoy working with them? Still marveling over the contributions they brought to the project? More than happy to serve as their reference? If yes, send them an unrequested endorsement.
This act of service contributes to the strength and creditability of both of your personal brands.
And you'll experience a sense of fulfillment.
Send a hand written note.
Relationships are a series of emotional connections, either positive or negative connections.
Positive emotional connections build trust.
In a high tech world, high touch has more meaning and value.
Here's the kicker.
Mindlessly doing these strategies will not guarantee that you'll enjoy a strong supportive network.
But having the mindset and commitment to connect, nurture, develop and grow your professional network throughout the life of your career will.