Protect Your Family and Your Belongings With Electric Garage Doors
They are locked by a code
This is the best feature for deterring potential thieves. The majority of burglaries take place on garages because they make for easy pickings for criminals. Traditional garage locks can be busted in seconds and thieves are well aware of this fact. However, electric garage doors are lock-free, leaving thieves with little scope for having a means of breaking and entering and stealing all of your goods. Instead, they use a simple code system that you can disclose to as many or as few people as you wish. You can even change the code whenever you see fit for extra security. In these modern times the code triumphs over the lock and key.
They have auto detection
This is great for the safety aspect of electric garage doors. Older, non-electric models have very little in the safety department. The doors are often heavy and awkward and can easily come crashing down on your goods or loved ones. They can pose a serious risk of accident and injury. Electric doors, on the other hand, operate on a gentle motorised system that lowers and raises itself gradually. This totally wipes out the potential for accidents and injuries. They even come with sensors to detect obstacles that are in the way, so they will never shut on you kids or your prized valuables.
They lock by themselves
If you've never left a door open or left your keys in a vulnerable place then you're a lot sharper than most of us. We've all suffered from a lack of attention at times and sometimes this can lead to leaving our garage doors unlocked, or even worse€¦completely open. With a traditional garage, this would result in all of your possessions being displayed like they were a part of Aladdin's cave. However, electric garages are your trusty sidekick that locks off of its own accord if you forget. You can even set the timer to suit your preferences, ensuring total security whatever your needs are.