A Time For Patience
Not something we enjoy having.
In our got-to-have-it-now society it's definitely not encouraged.
I was even told on multiple occasion not to pray for it.
Reason being, the way to gain patience is to practice patience.
Who wants to do that? Whether it's in looking for a job, looking for a new home or car, working on a relationship or raising children, patience has a roll.
We don't enjoy it.
We have no choice but to deal with it.
How do you handle patience? Patience can be your friend or your foe.
It's so hard not to rush into things.
Impatience is so much more popular.
The struggle to wait on something, something that can be great, is difficult for most.
Friends, family and colleagues will suggest you "do it now", "hurry before you change your mind", "you deserve it now".
But do we really need anything at this very moment? Aren't some things better when you have to wait on them a bit? Don't we learn to value relationships we have to cultivate? Don't we appreciate something if we wait until we can really afford it? When we have children we are constantly telling them they will have to wait.
Why aren't we taking our own advice? Sometimes, once we've waited a bit, we decide the thing we thought we really wanted isn't so important anymore - saving us the time and money we would have wasted otherwise.
And, sometimes, we find out having to wait on something or someone has made it more worthwhile.