How to Attach a Vise to a Drill Press
- 1). Place the drill press vise on the table of the drill press.
- 2). Align one hole of the drill press vise with one hole located on the drill press table.
- 3). Slide a 3/8-inch washer onto a 3/8-inch bolt and place the 3/8-inch bolt into the drill press vise hole aligned with the hole in the drill press table.
- 4). Turn the drill press vise to align with another hole in the drill press table. Prepare another 3/8-inch bolt and place it in the aligned hole. If no holes align, skip ahead to Step 7.
- 5). Place a 3/8-inch washer on the 3/8-inch bolt placed through the drill press vise and drill press table, on the underside of the drill press table.
- 6). Thread a 3/8-inch nut onto the 3/8-inch nut containing the washer underneath the drill press table and tighten the nut with the 9/16-inch socket, attached to the 3/8-inch ratchet. Repeat Step 5 and 6 for each hole that aligns between the drill press vise and the drill press table to complete the installation of the drill press vise.
- 7). Turn the drill press vise to align the center of the vise with the center of the chuck of the drill press.
- 8). Mark each hole of the drill press vise on the drill press table by inserting the permanent marker into each hole and turning the marker inside of each vise hole.
- 9). Remove the drill press vise from the drill press table and put on your safety glasses.
- 10
Secure the 9/16-inch drill bit into the chuck of the drill motor and coat the drill bit with cutting and tapping fluid. - 11
Drill a 9/16-inch hole at each location you marked with the permanent marker in Step 8. - 12
Perform Steps 3 through 6 to attach the drill press vise to the table of the drill press.