Colors Used in Japanese Decor
- Taking these calmer shades directly from essential staples in Japanese culture--such as rice, tea and bamboo--neutral shades add a simplified and elegant feel to the room without drawing away from the key items of interest within the room.
- Black and white find their place in many Japanese décor ideas. Black is used in Japanese décor to create symmetry and form. White creates light and space and provides contrast for other colors.
- Not all shades are neutral or feature absolute values as black and white. Bright colors like yellow, red, blue and purple are frequently, but sparingly, included in Japanese décor. These bright colors represent holidays, traditions or special events, such as marriage ceremonies.
- Metals, wood, water, stones and floral elements are building blocks of color for Japanese décor and provide texture, depth and defined edges.
- The use of colors in Japanese décor is not as absolute as some would like to think. However, the key to using colors effectively in a Japanese inspired room is "less is always more". Colors act as key elements, used to accent spaces sparingly. While Western design involves a cluttered mix of color and patterns, the Japanese are selective and minimal in their use.