The Simple Action That Will Bring Him Back Begging On His Knees - After Your Ex Boyfriend Dumps You
Your biggest problem might be with not wanting to let your family and friends know you were dumped. That can cause you to run after your ex boyfriend in an effort to get him back before anyone finds out about you being dumped. You should know that trying to talk to him now is not the best thing to be doing, but your emotions are controlling your mind.
After your boyfriend dumps you, the best thing you can do is let your family and friends know what has happened. They will not think badly of you for losing your guy. Just the opposite will happen and they will blame your ex boyfriend for the breakup. You can use the love and support of your family and friends to help you regain your confidence and have a more positive outlook.
When your boyfriend dumped you, he expected you to try to get him back, and he is ready to reject you. Any contact right after a breakup is unwise and could end your relationship for good. So you should keep plenty of distance between your ex boyfriend and yourself. If possible you should take a trip and drop completely out of sight for a while.
Men do not like to admit they made a mistake, so talking to your ex boyfriend will not do any good. To bring him back on his knees, you will have to make him think he is losing you. So, ignore him and act as if you are ready to move on. Be seen having fun and doing things that interest you. Get your friends to spread the word of how happy you seem to be and how well you have gotten over the dumping.
Since men have a big ego and pride, he won't be happy about you ignoring him and acting like he never meant anything to you. Making him feel rejected will cause him to decide to find out how you feel about him and he will call you. Don't take his calls, answer his emails or text messages. If you want your ex boyfriend to come begging on his knees, you have to make him think you are over him.
When your boyfriend dumps you, don't be humiliated or afraid of losing him for good. Just give him time and space to think he is losing you. Although it might not be what your heart is telling you, your head will know that this simple action will bring him back begging on his knees.