Beta Sitosterol - How It Keeps Your Prostate From Turning You Into A Woman
One of the more interesting pieces of prostate health research to come down the pike in recent years is beta sitosterol - and how it can help with BPH.
Not only can it help shrink your prostate, but it can also keep your manhood in tact, too.
Here is why: Although the conversion of testosterone into DHT is one of the factors that can cause a man's prostate to grow over time, even worse is estrogen.
Thanks to age, pollution, overuse of plastic bottles and a million other factors, many men have bodies that are practically estrogen factories.
Estrogen is fine for the ladies, of course.
But for men? Not so much.
It can give you feminine characteristics like "man boobs", damage the DNA in your prostate and even make it grow! It also can slowly turn you into a woman, in a sense, as that is one of the ways guys who change their sex get the job done: by giving themselves large amounts of estrogen.
So estrogen for men is not good.
And that is where beta sitosterol comes in.
It is a great, natural way to help with excess estrogen in your body, and keep it from making your prostate enlarge.
Think of it almost like a "broom" that sweeps the estrogen away.
It keeps your manhood in tact and, like I said earlier, it can also keep that estrogen from giving you a swollen prostate.
To sum up: Estrogen is a big villain for men's prostate problems these days, and beta sitosterol is one way to foil it.
Not only can it help shrink your prostate, but it can also keep your manhood in tact, too.
Here is why: Although the conversion of testosterone into DHT is one of the factors that can cause a man's prostate to grow over time, even worse is estrogen.
Thanks to age, pollution, overuse of plastic bottles and a million other factors, many men have bodies that are practically estrogen factories.
Estrogen is fine for the ladies, of course.
But for men? Not so much.
It can give you feminine characteristics like "man boobs", damage the DNA in your prostate and even make it grow! It also can slowly turn you into a woman, in a sense, as that is one of the ways guys who change their sex get the job done: by giving themselves large amounts of estrogen.
So estrogen for men is not good.
And that is where beta sitosterol comes in.
It is a great, natural way to help with excess estrogen in your body, and keep it from making your prostate enlarge.
Think of it almost like a "broom" that sweeps the estrogen away.
It keeps your manhood in tact and, like I said earlier, it can also keep that estrogen from giving you a swollen prostate.
To sum up: Estrogen is a big villain for men's prostate problems these days, and beta sitosterol is one way to foil it.