Pattern Recognition and Cultural Aspects of Music
Translating this into musical terms, if we hear a similar sound or group of sounds twice, then it clicks with our brains and we recognize this as a Pattern. The pattern is often fairly simple, consisting of a single note or a few notes in sequence. If the sequence of notes is too long, we will struggle to remember them. Conversely if we hear a short sequence of notes repeated many times then this becomes too boring (part of the background which we tend to ignore) and we only notice when there is a change to the sequence.
The cultural aspects of music are built upon basic foundations, the tempo, pitch and pattern, which evolved overtime into complex conventions that are passed on from many generations. The relative isolation of different communities during musical development evolved in different directions. Then later cross-fertilization between different cultures led to the introduction of new elements, which are initially molded to fit the adopting culture and then evolved further. We now have some familiarity with the increase of communication across the globe and perhaps we recognize the region of origin, though there is no denying that many old forms of world music are being "westernized."
Why is it that sometimes, a simple instrument or rhythm can suggest the style of music? The culture of music is that we share a common set of associations with different music styles, linking with some parts of the world, certain periods in history, or certain groups of people.
The people of another "culture" might all sound "the same" in some cases that might closely defined sub-styles of music. Because of these associations, we might look forward or away from a certain styles of music, that we can enjoy such as Tibetan music, because it links to our faith, or we hate to hear Rock and Roll which our parents loved to hear. We have some individual associations which alter our musical perceptions and appreciation as well as a large set of cultural music associations.