Why scientists are starting to seriously consider the paranormal.
Up-to-the-minute reports of paranormal activity and news from around the world
How to prove the paranormal: scientists discuss
A growing number of scientists are calling for a shift in scientific methods to acknowledge phenomena commonly experienced but difficult to study according to conventional methods. Here’s a look at some insights from scientists who explore paranormal phenomena or matters related to human consciousness….
(Also read: Paranormal Meets Science)
We know what you’re thinking: Scientists find a way to read minds
Think mind reading is science fiction? Think again. Scientists have used brain scanners to detect and reconstruct the faces that people are thinking of, according to a study accepted for publication this month in the journal NeuroImage….
Horrifying clown is haunting Staten Island
The clown, which has reportedly been spotted hanging around the Grasmere and Richmond Valley train stations according to the SI Advance, has been snapped three times and uploaded to Twitter and Instagram, providing both internet buzz and nightmare fuel….
(Also read: Clown Creature)
Rick Dyer publicly admits that “Hank” the dead Bigfoot was a hoax all along
In news that shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, serial Sasquatch hoaxer Rick Dyer has taken to social media to come clean about the dead “Bigfoot body” that he’s been touring the country with. That’s right, folks, it’s definitively a hoax. The reveal comes after Dyer announced that he would be retiring from a largely panned “national tour” that has suffered numerous setbacks and cancellations….
Can MIT help solve the mystery of Bigfoot?
Matt Knapp thinks that Bigfoot research is a mess right now. “The facts are that in terms of progress, the Bigfoot research community has ultimately made none. We are no closer now to proving these creatures exist than we were 40 years ago,” Knapp told Boston. Knapp blames the setbacks on the digital age, and the amount of misinformation being spread in the form of photos and videos online….
Ghost hunt: "The crypt was large and empty. Then I realised I was not alone"
Tim Stanley: Some time ago I wrote a flippant article for this newspaper about ghosts, and received a lot of letters urging me to take the matter more seriously. One asked me if I was aware that Nell Gwynne was presently haunting a strip club in Soho. It turns out that such fancies are not uncommon….
Simply ghost nights or something more sinister? A chilling night on the hunt for spooks at RAF Binbrook
The truth is out there: A ghostly officer in full RAF uniform has been seen in one of the offices at the airbase in Binbrook, who vanishes before your very eyes….
The paranormal investigator who's also a comedian
Karen Rontowski works as a paranormal investigator, searching for ghosts where others suspect them. “I tell people, don’t be afraid of ghosts: They’re just people who don’t know they’re dead yet,” Rontowski said. “Like Gary Busey.”…
Are ghosts to blame for Montrose blaze?
Could ghosts have started yesterday's huge fire that destroyed a $50-million apartment complex in Montrose?...
We're more likely to believe in the supernatural than God
More than half of Britons give credence to the supernatural or superstition - compared with just 49 per cent who believe in God. If you believe in ghosts, panic when you break a mirror and would rather walk on to the road than under a ladder, you are not alone. In fact, Britons are more likely to have faith in the supernatural than in God, a survey has found….