Quote Customer Success Stories
The first step in planning a successful trade show is to outline your reasons for exhibiting.
It could be either to generate leads or increase your brand awareness.
Having a relevant message to promote your products is very important.
Create attractive display boards and brochures communicating your key message.
Use interactive presentations and demonstrations to draw crowds to your booth.
Have a lucky draw or contest to collect contact information from your visitors.
Offer unique promotional items or samples, which visitors can take with them.
After the show, follow up within two weeks.
Actively participate in trade shows and promote your business.
Quote Customer Success Stories Use the quotes and testimonials of your customers intelligently to convince prospects that your product is worth the money.
During your presentation, back up every claim and promise that you make with success stories of your customers.
This not only adds life to your presentation but also makes your prospects believe that a lot of people have actually benefited from using your product.
Capture Contact Lists with a Click Manually entering contact details from online directories into Outlook leaves me with less selling time.
Is there a way by which I can capture contact details from these lists instantly without having to type each and every address in my Outlook? With ListGrabber, you can capture all contacts from online directories in no time.
Just highlight all the contacts in any online directory and click on ListGrabber toolbar.
The contacts are instantly transferred into your Outlook.
You now have enough time to follow-up with them and sell more.
Download your 10-day ListGrabber trial version at no cost and see the magic work for you!