Smallville, Kansas
We have always known Superman as this grown strong man that could handle any situation that came before him, because he was older, and experienced. However, there had to be a time when he wasn't as physically fit, and worldly right? What would a teenage super hero be like? An interesting question to be sure. This was the premise for the hugely successful hit show Smallville. The show has run for 10 seasons now and spawned a number of young adult novels, and comic books. Apparently, everybody wanted to know just how Superman turned from a young kid, to the larger then life character we saw in the movies.
The story arc ranged from the origins of Superman's history, with his planet, and why he was sent to Earth, to dealing with various villains. Including Brainiac, and Lex Luthor. Every episode was packed with action, special effects, great story telling, and romance. Basically it's everything you love about a television show, all rolled into one package. What I've been doing lately, since I wasn't always able to watch every episode is I've been going online, and streaming it, so I can watch it instantly, without a commercial interruptions.
Which I love because frankly I hate commercials, and the speaker system for my computer completely blows away the ones I have set up on my TV. It's like being in a movie theater when I stream Smallville. If you haven't tried it, and or have episodes that you need to catch up on, then go online and start streaming today, it's so worth it. I mean who wouldn't want to see Superman kick butt every week in high definition, right? Plus not only can you watch it on your computer but you can stream it on to your phone or tablet as well.
Check it out and really enjoy and relive all the past episodes too!