MediaMonkey Auto-Tag Options
- The Auto-Tag from Web option looks up album data in the Amazon database. To access this feature, click on "Tools" and select "Auto-Tag from Web." When you find the correct album, select the track properties that you wish to update. Some of the properties you can update include album, artist, track title and cover art.
- When you insert an audio CD in your computer's CD drive and play it using MediaMonkey, the software automatically looks up the CD's information in the Freedb database. This is a website with metadata about music, such as artist, song and album titles. If MediaMonkey finds a match to your CD in the Freedb database, the information will automatically be displayed in MediaMonkey. If multiple matches are found, you will be asked to select the correct data.
- The "Auto-Tag from Amazon" option looks up album, artist, and track information in the Amazon database. This option is commonly used to locate album cover art, but it can also be used to find the year an album was created. To use this feature, click on "Tools" and select "Auto-Tag from Web." Alternatively, highlight the tracks you wish to edit with your mouse and press "Ctrl" and the letter "l" on your keyboard.
- The "Auto-Tag from Filename" option populates a track's metadata, such as the song or album title, with the information found in the name of the file that is on your hard drive. The filename can be used to tag any property you specify, including the artist, album and track titles. Use this option when you have no data to properly tag the track. For example, if you no longer have the CD or cannot find the details on the Internet, "Auto-Tag from Filename" may be the best option.