Anti Wrinkle Skin Care Products That Claim They Can Erase Wrinkles Do They Really Work?
Cosmeceuticals are over-the-counter products that contain active ingredients that are supposed to affect the appearance of skin including erasing wrinkles. The Mayo Clinic warns women to not invest too much money into these types of products because they are not subjected to the rigorous testing for effectiveness or even safety that women may assume happens when a product is introduced to the market. Most products have a chemical affect upon the production of or the breakdown of skin cells in order to "erase wrinkles".
The ingredients that you may find in such a product that claims to be able to do this may include:
- Retinal, which is a form of vitamin A and is responsible for neutralizing free radicals which may contribute to aging skin including wrinkles
- Hydroxy acids that exfoliate skin including dead skin cells and also stimulate new skin cell growth
- Coenzyme Q10, which helps to regulate energy production within skin cells and can also help to protect from sun damage
- Copper peptides that can stimulate collagen, which keeps your skin taut and youthful looking
- Antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, panthenol, lipoic acid, ubiquinone, niacinamide, dimethylaminoethanol, melatonin, catalase, glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and peroxidase all counteract the negative affect agents such as air pollution, cold, drugs, heat, and UV radiation have on your skin. The skin when healthy, maintains the equilibrium between healthy cells and the damage done by these agents. The antioxidants act as protection and work at the cellular level.
If a you purchase a nonprescription cream it may slightly improve the appearance of your skin over time and it may even prevent further damage but nothing, not even cosmetics containing drug-like properties (the newest rage in cosmetics) really works the anti-wrinkle magic they promise, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Some women may turn to prescription skincare products in their search for anti-wrinkle treatment and protection as well as to obtain that youthful skin appearance. These products can work but take time to produce the type of results that are being sought.
Sleep your way to wrinkle free skin?
Revolutionary anti-wrinkle products appear in the market daily including the copper oxide pillow cases by Copalife that claim they can remove wrinkles while you sleep. A bold claim indeed! They claim that merely sleeping on the copper oxide pillowcase can be a non-invasive cosmetic alternative to having surgery done to remove wrinkles.
Copper oxide is shown in studies to aid in healing Eczema, so Copalife spent two years developing a way to add copper oxide to textiles including pillowcases. It works on the principle that the skin's moisture releases the copper ions from the pillowcases and the result is that the copper stimulates collagen production below the skin's surface, improving the look of wrinkles. Copper is a trace mineral needed by the body in small amounts and is actually developed in the bone, circulatory system and lungs.
When seeking anti-wrinkle treatment or prevention you should seek advice from a dermatologist or your medical doctor before using any of these products especially if you are taking prescription medications.
The best way to find out if anti wrinkle skin care products live up to their claims is to use the try before you buy method, since this can save you money in the long run. Click on the above link for a resource that is now offering a risk free trial on a proven anti wrinkle solution.
And starting today, your skin can be more healthy and age-resistant if you feed it well both inside and out. Just head on over to: - and claim your Free Instant Access to our "Anti Aging Secrets" ecourse. It's chock full of tips and ideas to help you slow down the signs of aging, have more energy, improve your skin, get rid of lines and wrinkles and feel younger in no time. As a bonus for signing up, we'll also send you the free report: "The 10 Biggest Enemies To Your Skin's Health And Appearance."