Look After Your Skin
Drink plenty of water.
That always comes at the top of any list.
Follow a proper skin care regime from as early an age as possible, but start now.
Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
They are water rich foods and help in the hydration's process.
Protect your skin from the sun.
Use a moisturiser with built in sun protection.
Buy a loofah and exfoliate to get rid of the dead skin cells but be gentle with your face.
Use Aloe Vera as it is full of moisture, protein, vitamins and minerals so incorporate it in your skin regime.
Do not smoke, it can dry your skin, cause wrinkles and make you age more quickly.
Exercise your facial and neck muscles to tighten up visible skin.
Cut down on alcohol as it dehydrates.
(some red wine in moderation is said to be acceptable) 10.
Be careful when using skin care products.
Not everything is suitable for your skin.
Always do a skin test first and wait for at least 24 hours to see if there is any reaction.
Cleanse your skin regularly.
Only use warm water on your face.
Use Wild Yam cream as it has an anti aging hormone.
It tones your skin which helps to give you a fresh complexion.
Use moisturisers regularly.
They also work better on moist skin so use after a bath or shower.
Try to minimise stress.
You don't want worry lines caused by frowning.
Relax, learn how to meditate and make sure you get plenty of good quality sleep.
If possible only use natural products on your skin.
This not only helps you but also helps the planet