Santa Fe Housekeeping Firms Switch To GREEN Supplies
Green cleaning supplies are products made from naturally occurring substances like lemon, salt, white vinegar, olive oil, fruit oils, extracts, and baking soda which when properly combined together turns to very good and effective cleaning supplies that protects our health and the environment. All the naturally occurring substances used for making green cleaning supplies are easily biodegradable and are never harmful or injurious to human health. Santa Fe housekeeping firms use eco-friendly cleaning solutions for household and commercial cleaning services because green cleaning supplies allows them to reduce the effects of toxicity on their clients' lives as well as their environment and improves indoor air quality in their clients' homes.
Effects of harsh chemical-based cleaning products: Most of the traditional cleansing solutions available in the market today contain harsh chemicals which have serious toxic side effects on human beings and pets. Household cleaning solutions that are based on harsh chemicals are extremely harmful to human and pet lives as well as to the environment. This is because they contain very powerful and harsh chemicals that are primarily meant to destroy germs and other microorganisms. These conventional harsh chemical-based cleaning products can also cause serious health effects to human beings and they are scientifically known to cause disruptions to the natural balance in the ecosystem of the environment. Hence, Santa Fe house cleaning firms will never use them again for cleaning your homes, offices, and condos as they have switched over to green supplies.
Shopping statistics indicates that there are about 17,000 types of harsh chemical-based products currently being sold in the market as different forms of household cleaning solutions. Out of the 17,000 available in the market, only about 30 per cent are being scientifically checked for side effects on the health of human beings as well as our environment. Statistics shows that the number of the active harsh chemicals present in various traditional cleaning solutions is sometimes in excess of 275 items, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) refers to some of these harsh chemicals in these traditional non-green house cleaning products as pesticides because the harsh chemicals are primarily designed to kill pests and they are therefore unsafe for use in human inhabited environments.
Why Santa Fe housekeeping firms switched to green cleaning supplies: Here are brief summaries of why Santa Fe house cleaning firms have finally switched over to green supplies for commercial cleaning purposes.
1.They are safe for humans and do not cause rashes and many other unpleasant skin irritation or conditions.
2. Green supplies are known to protect furniture and household appliances but harsh chemical cleaning products are capable of affecting the surface of your furniture with the evidence of white marks or damaging effects on paints.
3.Green cleaning solutions are nonflammable, non-combustible and would not cause fire nor support the escalation of fire.
4.Green supplies improve indoor air quality of your home.