4 Steps To Avoid Trouble Caused By Criminal Tenants
Landlord should follow certain steps to avoid trouble caused by criminal tenants.
Landlords should screen tenants carefully and choose tenants who are likely to be law-abiding and peaceful citizens so that violent or dangerous individuals can weed out. Police has also made police registration mandatory to curb issues arising out of unverified tenant. Tenant registration involves registering the tenant with police with all relevant documents of the tenant which discourage tenants from getting into illegal activity. However, tenant registration, is not a foolproof way of assuring that the prospective tenant has a clear track record in terms of misdemeanours and criminal activities.
There are various background screening companies rendering comprehensive tenant verification services. A comprehensive background check can disclose facts about the potential tenant's employment (previous and current), Address (previous, current and permanent), criminal records, disputes with previous landlords, rent payment history, etc. which aids you in taking better decisions when it comes to renting your property. Tenant verification is very crucial as it gives the advantage of verifying the antecedents of the tenant which alerts landlord about the traces of criminal activities associated.
Tenant registration when coupled with tenant background check can work wonders in knowing some vital information regarding the past of the tenant.
Periodic check on the property should be conducted by landlords to ensure it is being maintained in a proper manner. It also ensures that no illegal activities being carried out at the rented property. There should be a clear clause in the lease or rental agreement prohibiting drug dealing and other illegal activity and promptly evict tenants who violate the clause.
The landlord should make a well-drawn rental agreement that clearly states the terms and conditions, violations of which will land the tenant in legal hassles. This would discourage the tenant from involving in any wrong activities.
The best way to protect a rented property is by making a well-drafted rental agreement which clearly states the terms and conditions. The rental agreement is very important as a landlord can file a lawsuit on violation of any terms by tenant.
Thus, following these simple steps a landlord can reduce the risk of issues arising out of renting out the property to wrong tenant.