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Blogging : Business & Finance

Is it Possible to Make Money From Blogging?

One very interesting fact about the last economic crisis was that the property market has went down, the equity market has went down and the consumer spending has also went down but the dollars spent on purchases over the Internet has went up. What does this means to you?

Writing Guidelines For Your Internet Marketing Blog

Business blogging is a great way to earn an online income but it does takes some dedication and perseverance. If the subject you write about is interesting enough and your content is of good quality you can actually get paid to blog. Read on to discover 5 tips that will help you format and present y

Hey Teens, Let's Get Blogging

The art of blogging is nothing new. People of all ages create blogs each and every day. It does not matter which walk of life you come from or your social skills, when it comes to starting a blog, every one who can write has a great chance.

Personal Development Training Goals Kicking In

Not everybody has the same level of aspiration. Studying some personal development training techniques can ensure that confidence and focus is of a sufficient level, for any individual to achieve whatever degree of improvement they aim for, be that in your private or professional life.

Blogging To The Bank - 5 Step Proven Formula To Earn Money From Blogging

I am sure that many of you at some stage in your life must have thought about starting your own home based internet business. Blogging provides a real and easy alternative to getting started. One of the main reasons for this is the relative ease at which you can get started.

Blogging - What a Waste of Time

Unless of course you follow the three 'blogging musts'. Read on... see if you are wasting your time or nurturing a fabulous marketing tool.

How to Get Paid Blogging About Sports

It might at first seem an impossible task, but if you are blogging about your favourite sport you can still get paid to blog. How though?

Premium WordPress Elegant Themes Review

In this Elegant Themes Review, I am going to go over some of the benefits these blog themes offer. If it is one thing that all bloggers have in common is that they seek a blog theme that can truly brand them but also one that is functional.

People 'more likely to lie on Facebook, Twitter'

People are more likely to lie on social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter than in person, according to a new study. The study, based on a survey of over 2,000 people in Britain, has found

Top 5 Tips to Conduct Successful Blog Contests

It seems everyone in the blogosphere conducts a contest or two. Blog contests are good things, as you can attract significant traffic to your blog in a short time. The visitors can also be turned to subscribers and regular readers. Attending to a few details can ensure you host successful blog conte

How to Make Avatars for Writers on WordPress

Avatars are the small pictures that appear on blogs that identify blog participants. Avatars can be real photographs of blog contributors or cartoon depictions of them. Avatars are fun and offer a greater sense of identity to your blog community. If you allow avatars on your blog, you may need to cr

Business Blog Tips For Newbies

Do you fear starting a business blog? If you have an online business, it is essential that you develop a business blog. Here are five tips on how to use blogging to promote your business....Even if you are a newbie.

How to Regain Your Inspiration For Blogging

Your inspiration is the most important asset you have and something every good blogger must safeguard against losing!Once your blog goes live you will be writing a lot but without the proper inspirati

Blogging - How Important is it to Update Your Blog on a Regular Basis?

So how often should you update your blog? Updating your blog automatically every hour or so with junk articles using an automatic blog posting system is not recommended but updating your blog every day or so with well written or original content is highly desirable. Having several blogs might seem l

4 Ways to Personalize Your Blog

What connects us to our favorite television show or novel characters? When you get through a book or have been watching a show for several seasons, you feel as though you're a friend to the c

How Effective Blog Writing Can Launch Your Website

Blog writing is really a great way to launch your website but you have to know how to do it effectively. You must keep it brief, keep it interesting, and most of all keep it totally unique. Your readers are looking for blogs that are different that have new information.

Blogging Keyword Research

So what is keyword research? It is finding out what are the keywords that web users are typing into the search boxes of the various search engine to get to your website.

Need a New Weapon For Your Marketing Arsenal?

One quality of successful internet marketers is their ability to quickly pick up on newforms of communication and apply these to their benefit.They're ahead of the pack.If you've been doing internet marketing long enough, your marketing strategy must be pretty well set up already.You may b