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Blogging : Business & Finance

Blogs As A Social Bookmarking Platforms

Blogs offer countless opportunities for launching your business into the social media networks, and they can be designed as an extension of an existing website, or simply stand alone. Blogging is moving far beyond the casual journal style of the initial growth stages, allowing businesses and large c

Blogging Advice You Need to Heed

When I decided to start a blog sometime back, I did not really think that it would be much of a big deal at all. I knew a lot of casual bloggers out there, and none of them seemed to put much thought and quality into it.

Make Good Use of WordPress Plugins

Without doubt WordPress is the bogging platform of choice. Whether you are someone who blogs just to let the world know what you are up to, or a large company, or Matt Cutts of Google who writes about lots of stuff Google-related, WordPress is the one to use.

Want To Improve Your Blog? Read These Excellent Tips!

A blog is something that can be used for business or personal reasons. No matter what your reasons for blogging, your blog is your own. You want to do your best with it, however, so others will come to your site to see it. This article will give you some great tips for building a quality blog.

Blogging for Links

Most serious webmasters understand that getting backlinks to their websites is crucial for proper search engine rankings. In order to implement a successful blog linking campaign, you must first understand a few blogging rules. Once you understand these rules, it's just a matter of gathering yo

Questions to Ask Before Starting a Business Blog

I believe that blogging for your business is one of the most powerful tools that you can incorporate into your current marketing plan.Big business, small business, direct selling business, work from home business, Corporate, it doesn't matter all business can benefit from a blog.

Dedicated Blogging for Cash - More Than One Blog Drives Profit

Brand Recognition comes from quality content and a targeted audience that recognizes and understands the value of your product. If you're a blogger looking for a targeted audience and understand that your targeted audience is a general reflection of you and the value you provide on your website

Corporate Blogs Drive Traffic to Your Site

You already have a website, but you don't get the traffic you'd like, do you? If only people could find your website out of the millions of others that show up in search engine results. Have you considered a blog to drive traffic to your site? Here are three compelling reasons to get a blo

Product Review - DIY Thesis Theme For WordPress

The search for a WordPress template can drive you mad. Finding a professional, customizable, supported and properly coded and tested theme is hard to find. DIY Themes introduction of Thesis Theme by Chris Pearson, of Cutline fame, solves these issues and many more. Read a product review.

Are You Blogging?

Are you blogging? Not yet? You must have been living somewhere out of this world! It seems almost everyone on earth is blogging now! Everybody is eager to get involved in this latest frenzy.

Online Blogging - An Easy Way to Make Money From Home

A lot of people are beginning to feel that working on a weekly 40-hour full-time job would never be enough to compensate for the fast rising cost of living. There is the continuous search for alternative means to make money from home. Finally it has been answered through the advent of the Internet.

Boost Your Business With Blogging!

Business blog is an incredible online marketing tool that saves you thousands of dollars but provides great business opportunities in just one click. Blogs are user-friendly, customized and flexible medium for disseminating useful information for effective positioning of your products in the market.