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Careers & Employment : Business & Finance

Definition of Manufacturer's Representative

A manufacturer's representative is a type of salesperson who handles multiple product lines for various manufacturers. Most manufacturer's representatives are independent agents who work for a manufacturer's agency, which is usually a small firm that employs these particular sales professionals. How

NEC Codes - ET-1491 FFG-7 Class Navigation Electronics Subsystem Technician

Navy Enlisted Classification codes identify a non-rating wide skill, knowledge, aptitude, or qualification that must be documented to identify both people and billets for management purposes. Here is the information for Navy NEC ET-1491 FFG-7 Class Navigation Electronics Subsystem Technician

Your Job As a Waiter

An article about the job opportunities of a waiter. It also talks about a waiter's job description.

What Rights Do I Have As an Employee?

Knowing your rights as an employee can protect you from unlawful workplace practices. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has over 180 federal laws that protect employees from discrimination, workplace hazards and unfair treatment. Employee rights may differ depending on the number of employees a com

Jobs for an Art Administrator

Galleries need arts image by MATTHIEU FABISIAK from Fotolia.comArt administrator jobs entail working in museums, arts education centers or galleries, making sure that the business and administration portion of the organization is running properly. There are a number...

What is a Performance Appraisal?

Here's information on performance reviews, including what happens during a performance appraisal, how often they are conducted and why companies use them.

Pharmacist Career - Is it For You?

Becoming a pharmacist is a noble profession but it certainly doesn't have the prestige of a brain surgeon or other medical professional titles but it's a solid career and one that more and more are turning to help ensure a good living and job security.

Everything regarding Car or truck Insurance quotes

As soon as quoting the auto insurance there are many factors that is taken to the consideration for instance registration amount, the automobile condition, which type of vehicle, how old could be the vehicle like ...

What Can One Expect to Earn From Being a Writer?

As technology continues to develop, a career in writing increasingly involves producing online media, as well as printed materials. However, the basics of being a writer remain the same: developing original written material, either fiction or non-fiction, to be used in books, magazines, journals, we

Measuring Your Training Return on Investment (ROI)

We should never engage in training unless we are going to have a measured return. We do not invest in capital equipment, acquisitions, product research without conducting significant analysis on the returns that investment will have. Why should training, or more broadly, investment in people be any

Seven Skills You Need To Stay Employed Or Get A Job

You will need certain skills and attributes to stay employed or get a job in today's work environment. You must become a "knowledge worker." Don't confuse the term knowledge worker with college degree. Knowledge worker ...

How to Relocate to Apply for a Job

If you live in a city with high unemployment or simply want a career change, you've probably thought about relocating and getting a job in another town. It may be the most viable option for you, but you will need to have a plan in place before you pack up and move to a new location. You'll need to d

When to Use a Retained Search Firm

If you are unsure of what type of search firm to use for an open position, a retained firm may be your best option. Here are some things to consider: Hard To Fill or Niche ...

Fashion Merchandising Colleges: Live Your Dreams

Attending in vogue merchandising colleges to pursue your favorite luxury to penetrate the style industry include the wisest decision your family will enjoy. It truly is exceptionally important that you have been trained with the ...

Don't Despair - How to Recover From Being Let Go?

No one likes being fired from their job.Once you overcome the emotion associated with the situation, it's time to move on.You'll need a resume that positions you for your next employer.

5 Tips to Find Legit Work at Home Jobs

Finding work at home jobs is becoming tougher day by day as people are unable to keep themselves away from scams. And day after day these scam artists tend to come up with new tricks and techniques to scam people. Here is what you can do to stay afloat!

Skip Tracer Techniques

Skip tracers are responsible for tracing people who are missing, intentionally or otherwise. Skip tracers often work closely with bail bondsmen and bounty hunters although skip tracers usually work in an office where they look up information by scanning government records, phone books and other usef