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Taxes : Business & Finance

How to Buy a Tax Lien Certificate

Tax lien certificates can serve as two ways to an investment. You can either receive the taxes owed on the property plus interest, or after a specified period of time, receive the deed to the property. You can purchase the certificates cheaply and the returns are well worth the hassle.

A Property Tax Loan is a Great Solution

With a heavy burden of property taxes in the current economic downturn, property taxes loans are of great help to taxpayers. If you are in Texas, here are some useful tips to take benefit of such loan facility.

The Death Tax

Estate tax opponents often refer to the estate tax as the death tax. It might be only a slight stretch to refer to most taxes as a death tax because some taxes kill businesses and in too many cases rob individuals of their earned right to live in planned comfort. Some lawmakers just cannot or will n

How to File for a Second IRS Extension

Prior to and including the 2004 tax year, the Internal Revenue Service granted four-month automatic extensions of time to file your individual income tax return when requested on Form 4868. An additional two-month extension could be requested on Form 2688. However, as of the 2005 tax year, the autom

Plan Your Taxes Well to Avoid an IRS Audit

With the year coming to an end, many taxpayers are excited at the prospect of receiving their tax refunds from the Internal Revenue Service. Below are some things that one should not have on their return list. A gambling loss deduction always draws the attention of the IRS and brings audit notices.

Tax Advantage in Cottage Grove, Oregon

Taxes, Bookkeeping and Payroll in Cottage Grove, Oregon from Tax Advantage.Getting your Tax needs met while in Oregon is easy. Tax Advantage also services the other 49 states. We can even help you if

How to Generate a W-2 Online

April brings a number of frustrations to the average American, including taxes. Get motivated this year and organize your documents in advance to keep from stressing out come tax season. Any American who works will receive a W-2 form from an employer stating yearly earnings. The Equifax company, Tal

How to Report Cash Wages

Tax time brings fear to many people. Tax services tell you in their advertisements that the tax code is so complex you could not possibly fill out a form without their help. The truth about taxes is that anyone who can read, perform basic math and follow simple instructions can file their own taxes.

How to Find Information on Last Year's Tax Return on TurboTax

TurboTax is tax preparation software that gives individuals or businesses the ability to file a tax return online. Returns submitted through TurboTax are saved for future reference, so tracking down last year's information while doing taxes this year is simple.

Do I Need an Itemized List of Donations to File Taxes?

If you donate money or goods to charity, you can deduct your contributions from your taxes. You need to keep an itemized list of all your noncash charitable contributions and receipts for your charitable contributions as evidence of your deduction. If you do not plan to deduct charitable contributio

Tax Advice for Independent Contractors

In general, the IRS differentiates independent contractors from employees in that contractors are responsible for the means and methods of the work performed, and the person for whom the work is being performed can only direct the result of the work. If you are an independent contractor, file a Sche

IRS Tax Debt - Know Your Tax Debt Advantages and Finish on Top

Merciless: IRS Revenue Officers are ruthless. They don't care if your cat was sick, if credit card bills are due, or if you couldn't afford other luxuries. Boo-hoo. It's hard for an IRS agent to feel pity for you when the IRS gives you so many advantages. All the resources you need to

The Hourly Salary for Housekeeping

Keeping rooms clean is an essential part of making homes or other spaces accommodating for guests. Housekeepers are building cleaning workers that perform light cleaning tasks to keep homes, hotels, hospitals and other buildings clean. Common tasks that housekeepers may perform include dusting, vacu

Business Activity Statement

GovReports Makes BAS Lodgment Easy With the upcoming Federal Budget, businesses will be anticipating the changes that the Government will be announcing that could assist their industry. For small and medium businesses, the pain of ...

How to Get Your Old Records From an Accountant

There are situations that may arise where it is necessary to obtain copies of old records from your accountant. Whether you are applying for a loan or simply replacing lost copies, the procedure will vary based on how many records you need and the size and procedures of the firm providing them. Rega

Are Parking Fines Tax Deductible?

You might think that you can deduct parking tickets, especially when you get them when traveling to a job. However, this line of thinking is mostly false. On the other hand, you can use expenses related to parking fines as a tax deduction. Be careful; parking tickets can become taxable income if som

How to Compare a Roth to a 401(k)

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) promotes savings for retirement by giving certain tax advantages to special retirement accounts. Two of these retirement account types include traditional 401k plans, which you contribute to through your employer, and Roth IRA plans, which you manage on your own. T

How to Make Payments to the IRS

Most people who earn taxable income in the United States must make payments to the IRS. The income tax that your employer takes out of your paycheck each week is a tax payment. If you are self-employed, you must send estimated tax payments to the IRS quarterly. If you are an employer you must also m

Can a Burial Expense Be Put on My Taxes?

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) does not allow a taxpayer to deduct costs related to a person's funeral on his individual federal tax return. However, the IRS does allow the executor of a deceased's estate to deduct the decedent's burial expenses on the tax return filed on behalf of the deceased'